
Saturday, July 28, 2007

A small tribute...

I first came across Harry Potter while I was around 17 or 18, sometime in the middle of my JC years. A good friend of mine who sat beside me was avidly absorbed in it, and though I had some initial doubts about its appeal as it was a children's book, I was hooked the minute I turned page one over. I immediately progressed to the second (my least favourite of the seven) and the third (I borrowed it from my GP tutor, and found it so marvellous that I did the rare act of buying my own copy). By the time the fourth book came out it was to a hungry, Potter-crazed worldwide audience.

There are many reasons that one gets drawn to the story. The fantasy theme - which is set in present times, with non-magical people living alongside wizards and witches, a school set up for magical education in another world out there, something that offers a wonderful break from the drudgery of Muggle life. The style of the author's writing, which is altogether captivating, engaging and fluid. The various little historical facts, names, figures and legends which are sprinkled throughout the book, concealed in various interesting trivia and characters made up by the writer. The enduring themes of love and courage that carries the characters through their toughest times in life. The mystery that surrounds the title character of Harry, interlinked with those of his beloved headmaster, his least favourite schoolteacher and his nemesis. As the layers slowly unravel themselves through the series, the pursuit of the truth behind it all is what drives so many to keep on reading and speculating.

And now, with the release of the seventh and final book, it is over. My journey of seven years has come to an end. It was a bittersweet kind of feeling, reading the last line in the last book over and over again, almost refusing to believe that it's already finished. To me, it does not really matter that the ending is as such. I mean, such epic stories are supposed to end in such a manner. It doesn't make sense to end it otherwise. What's important is how the writer gets to the ending. And she didn't disappoint. For a brief moment I had this really sinking feeling in my heart when it was revealed that the death that everyone said would happen was supposed to happen. But thankfully it didn't. And Ms Rowling rounded everything up nicely, which really made me want to go back to the first book and start over, so that I can fit in all the pieces of the puzzle. Alas, time does not permit such an ambitious attempt.

Was there a clue in the last line that there could be more to come? But this could just the "refusing-to-accept-the-truth" part of my brain that's talking. No matter what, all good things...would have to come to an end. Adieus, Harry Potter.

Friday, July 20, 2007


为何学生就是那么不听话。。。简单的吩咐都不肯听从。不只懒,能力也有限。而那些略有责任感的人,寥寥无几。搞到现在连一个简单的cip 也变得一团糟。留下级任老师来收拾残局。 想到那群学生就烦,觉得我没什么能力教他们。觉得我好失败。觉得--好辛苦。心有余而力不足。。。


It's here but...

Tomorrow's the day of release for the final book in the Harry Potter series, and i have not ordered it. Am not intending to camp outside borders either. Am just gonna let the mania pass me by like it did for the earlier books (until the price of the book drops to a more affordable level). Thankfully I am not one who minds spoilers (in fact, I quite like them).

Am sitting here awaiting my 1145 am class, and am having this feeling that I've forgotten many things...but can't for the life of me figure out wat. (oo it's mambo no.5 on radio) I guess I really should shift my gaze to the stack of papers lying just a mere thirty cm away...

Have been reading papers lately and pondering some of the issues discussed. Like the whole Live Earth thing for instance. Neil Humphrey proclaimed it a farce in the Today paper, and I kinda agree. Not quite sure what the concert was trying to achieve, esp. when you think about the amount of electricity consumed as a result of it and also the trash generated by concert goers. Think this is where my mom's philosophy has rubbed off me a little - it's useless to have all talk no action. So ultimately it's the real stuff that people do, or dun do, that matters. It's not easy to do things like not use plastic cutlery or plastic bags when they are so freely available. Or to not drive cars when they offer so much more convenience. Or to just lug a bag of recycled papers to the recycling bin downstairs.

It's nine. Time to start work!!