
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Some words at a passing

You know sometimes you run into one of those situations where you think to yourself - No, please...not him/her please... Those times where you don't wish for that coincidence to happen. This morning, it did.

Dear Stephen,
Though I do not know you well, and we may just be passing acquaintances to each other, but I do remember that brief period in NIE when we were in the same GESL group, that day when we made a presentation together to get more funding for our project. We never quite met or even spoke again after that. When I learnt of the accident in Cambodia, I immediately thought of you, the only person I've ever met who is an avid dragonboater. No way, I told myself. There are five missing, it can't be that coincidental. I checked my old emails that I never deleted, read the old email you sent before, checked your full name. It tallied with the newspaper report, and I recognised you, the centre photograph amidst the five.

You were a friendly, easygoing type of guy, passionate about sports and I'm sure, a dedicated PE teacher. You and your teammates have been abruptly taken from us, but I pray that you and your friends are in a better place now, safe in the arms of the Lord.

Rest in peace.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Wow it has been a while.

I'm way into the school hols now, but am still not rid of the "swamped with work" feeling. Only real break comes next week where I shall venture into the landmine-ridden fields (that's really an exaggeration and a strange misconception some people hold) of Vietnam. Hallo Saigon...

Think I'm the kind of person whom one cannot really judge based on appearances. Just had a work review session which was essentially a long chat with my reporting officer about the year that has passed, and it dawned on me that, besides my usual aloof demeanour, I must have appeared to have a rather gloomy disposition. I guess the daily exhaustion plays a part in my lack of cheeriness...but well, it's jus something worth thinking about coz even though one may not agree with what others think about yourself...it is always useful to reflect upon it and glean something from it all. Appearances do matter, always.

Anyway anyway, hols means some time to indulge in my fave hobbies - books, music and movies. Am quite intrigued with my current read - Freakonomics. People are supposed to live according to morals, but our lives, the decisions we make, our behaviour both private and public, are actually governed by the laws of economics. The stuff in the book really offers an alternative and often quirky view of things. Which actually make sense, or least, the writer crafts it in such a manner that his postulations seem so logical and plausible we wonder why no one had thought of it before. Hmmm.

Watched a series of films (bought them instead of borrowing them this time - my consumerist streak kicking in but am comforting myself with the thought that now I'm borrowing books instead of buying them) and fantasised about being an award-winning scriptwriter (you know one of those dreams which are not very feasible but you hang on to them nonetheless). Also watched the entire season 1 and whatever has played of season 2 online for Heroes. It's rather entertaining and think the effects and acting really help in propelling the storyline forward. Not easy to start with such a sci-fi theme and yet distinguish the show from X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Incredibles, and the Like.

Sometimes the holidays present a problem as it provides me with the time to think instead of just perpetuating my work-eat-sleep cycle. So I worked the brain cells and proceeded to..
Contemplate my anti-social existence,
my job,
my existence in general,
life after death (and panicked as a result),
why people wed,
where I am spiritually.

It is not good to think too much sometimes.