
Monday, June 18, 2007

some hearts...

it's a nice cloudy day and am in staff room surrounded by the abominable files.

Decided to blog coz it ain't something I get to do very often in the staffroom. Not exactly coz it's not allowed or what (anyway my seat is real secluded - usually my presence is not noticed by anyone coz I dun make a single sound, apparently), just that usu. am too tired to compose any intelligible piece of journal entry.

So was at lunch with colleagues just now and thought that what one teacher said was pretty sound advice - that it's very important for parents to spend enough quality time with the children when they are young i.e. primary school age, coz once they reach secondary school they will start to drift apart from parents. Which is very true coz 9 out of the 10 parents I speak to tell me that there's absolutely no communication between them and their kids. And they are clueless as to what to do about it. Not that I see that there's much that can be done. It's a bad phase most adolescents go thru, unless the parents really make it a point to try to understand the child...but one key point that the teacher brought up was that if the parent establishes a good foundation during childhood, then the teenager might drift but will not stray too much. Guess it also depends on the style of upbringing e.g. my mom had always kept a tight rein on me since young, and she's real fierce when she gets angry, so out of obedience I would not dare to try anything too overboard. And that has kept me rather safe and sheltered from harmful influences through my growing up years. And even though I hate to admit it, it's usually wiser to take her advice on most matters.

The dread of term opening and having to face dreadful kids...who dun cooperate and dun do work and dun care much about deplorable grades.

Listening to: Carrie Underwood over the web music player. Soothing country style music...


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