Today I tried to organise two different social gatherings. One din materialise, the other will probably not. It is that hard to get ppl together...and increasingly so when we get older and get more preoccupied with stuff - like work, gf/bf, family and so on...
Weird empty feeling...when there's suddenly no powerpoint to rush.
I leave it all in your hands, Lord.
Realise that I am one who badly needs humour in my life. Like when I'm feeling real sleepy and crappy in the morning and a friend comes up to me and says something funny that makes me those endorphins can make all the difference. I guess that's why I'm always laughing at stuff while among friends and colleagues, not that I'm suffering from the Angelman syndrome, but just dun wan to treat things so seriously all the time. Sometimes i smile brightly at students and they ask me why I'm smiling at them. We are a dull lot man. ok mebbe jus the de ming ppl.
Oh and also...a special newsflash (i have not done this in a while)
Change of name for former co-ed school
Come Jan 2007, DXXXXX school will have a new name - DXXXXX Girls' High. This move was deemed necessary after the abrupt announcement of the restructuring of the school from co-ed to an all girls territory. The past five years has seen an unprecedented dip in the percentage of boys for each new Sec 1 cohort. The ratio of boys to girls currently stands at close to 1 is to 8, a startling change from the previous, healthier, 1 to 2 ratio. The school administration therefore decided to make the bold move to become a single sex school.
When interviewed, the principle has this to say: "We believe that having a school made up of solely female students will help to boost the grades of the entire school, as girls are better performers than boys at that age. We began to see a serious problem when the number of boys in the school dropped to only 80 last year. Parents appear to have lost interest in sending their sons to our school. We are still trying to find out the cause of this phenomenon."
Tan Kar Seng, 16, who would be one of the last batches of boys who would ever pass through the gates of DXXXXX, said sadly: "This is a real pity. Boys can help to balance the girls. If this school is only made up of female students, they would be so dead, no spirit one (sic)."
DXXXXX will be putting up the boys' uniforms for auction to raise funds for charity.
Disclaimer: The above is a work of fiction, and as such any resemblance between the characters herein and real persons living or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Weird empty feeling...when there's suddenly no powerpoint to rush.
I leave it all in your hands, Lord.
Realise that I am one who badly needs humour in my life. Like when I'm feeling real sleepy and crappy in the morning and a friend comes up to me and says something funny that makes me those endorphins can make all the difference. I guess that's why I'm always laughing at stuff while among friends and colleagues, not that I'm suffering from the Angelman syndrome, but just dun wan to treat things so seriously all the time. Sometimes i smile brightly at students and they ask me why I'm smiling at them. We are a dull lot man. ok mebbe jus the de ming ppl.
Oh and also...a special newsflash (i have not done this in a while)
Change of name for former co-ed school
Come Jan 2007, DXXXXX school will have a new name - DXXXXX Girls' High. This move was deemed necessary after the abrupt announcement of the restructuring of the school from co-ed to an all girls territory. The past five years has seen an unprecedented dip in the percentage of boys for each new Sec 1 cohort. The ratio of boys to girls currently stands at close to 1 is to 8, a startling change from the previous, healthier, 1 to 2 ratio. The school administration therefore decided to make the bold move to become a single sex school.
When interviewed, the principle has this to say: "We believe that having a school made up of solely female students will help to boost the grades of the entire school, as girls are better performers than boys at that age. We began to see a serious problem when the number of boys in the school dropped to only 80 last year. Parents appear to have lost interest in sending their sons to our school. We are still trying to find out the cause of this phenomenon."
Tan Kar Seng, 16, who would be one of the last batches of boys who would ever pass through the gates of DXXXXX, said sadly: "This is a real pity. Boys can help to balance the girls. If this school is only made up of female students, they would be so dead, no spirit one (sic)."
DXXXXX will be putting up the boys' uniforms for auction to raise funds for charity.
Disclaimer: The above is a work of fiction, and as such any resemblance between the characters herein and real persons living or otherwise is purely coincidental.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just so you know, Angelman Syndrome is not all about laughing. My child, who is genetically diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome laughs just as appropriately as the next child; cries appropriately, etc. Shows just basically appropriate emotions. Only difference is, my child can not talk like most kids when my child is happy, or wanting attention it will come out either as laughter or crying. It drives me crazy when people think Angelman syndrome is all about them laughing all the time. I can guarantee it isn't....
At 11:38 PM,
gleekzuh said…
HI angelmom...
thanks for correcting my misconception...I have to say that I had a very limited understanding of this syndrome...I was only aware that they always seem to appear constantly happy...apologies =)
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's okay...I just wanted to point it out about what Angelman Syndrome is really about.
In literature it is often pointed out that they have inappropriate laughter....but if you talk to practically any parent of a child with Angelman Syndrome they will most likely tell you that their child does laugh appropriately at things and it isn't as though they just sit laughing at nothing.
Our kids with Angelman Syndrome do have a happy demeanor, and you can see this with their smiles that just go on and on. They are a perfect example of the saying: smile and the world smiles with you, as those big beautiful smiles they have can't help but brighten another person's world.
Thanks for understanding :)
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