A little bit of history...

Thanks to the good grace of the Malaysian TV network (even though my dad informed me that there was some intentional scrambling of the signal from their side thus resulting in a fuzzy display) and to my opportune switch of channel, I, the cable-hungry soul, finally managed to catch a match live on mainstream TV. Woohoo!!
So, Korea vs Togo. Wait, To-what? This is like the first time self has ever heard of such a place. You see, one of the perks of the World Cup...one gets to learn some geography. Otherwise, would never have known that Angola was actually colonised by the Portuguese for four hundred years (!! that's like, several generations), or that Togo is actually a country in Western Africa, and a former German colony. In-ter-esting...
The Reds were slow to warm up, despite having had high hopes pinned onto them, and the lanky Togolese actually managed a first hit into the net. Still the Reds chugged along, till this pivotal point when their captain got sent off for preventing a potential goal-scoring opportunity. They got a free kick, Blondie took it, and the ball sailed into a path of victory. Have discovered that Koreans really thrive on national pride and spirit, and well, almost the entire stadium was glowing. A little sad for the disadvantaged Togolese, but still, they are not bad as first-timers. All in all, enjoyable =) .
I realise that I tend to procrastinate when it comes to doing housework. Which is bad coz if I dun do it, then my mother would just automatically finish up the job. Which kinda defeats the whole purpose. Ugh Ugh.
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