
Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I love attending courses.
There's free food
Free drinks
Free time
No students
No staff room
No running around
No standing for long hours
No sweat
Just obediently doing whatever the instructor tells us to do
After all
Teachers make the best students.

So the hols are here. Am currently at my most alert in weeks. Meaning I was zombie-ing around for most of last term. I must reiterate that my body ain't made for waking up at 5.30 am!! The gears only start cranking from 8 am onwards. That's why I dislike having first periods, immensely.

So, let me take stock of my life now. Am around 2 months plus into teaching as a profession, am starting to slowly get the hang of the hectic existence of a teacher, am beginning to understand why some people can't wait to quit, am trying to seek some balance amidst the craziness. There have been plenty of up and down moments with the kids, a few points where I really felt like crying, some high points where I couldn't stop smiling...am slowly learning to grasp the culture and the dynamics of each class, trying to guess at what students are thinking, feeling, saying...

I can see the road ahead...a deep commitment of time and effort to my work...a simple and quiet life at home...the rest of my time spent in church/ministry...mmm...not too bad...


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