
Thursday, August 10, 2006

This is home...

Rights so National Day has come and gone...(where's my flag..? hmm...)

Somehow I always find myself doing something else while the parade is showing on TV. Has been like this for the past couple of years - the evil comp always steals my attention from potential stirrings of national pride...but hey, every morning I actually sing the national anthem (except for some days when the high parts fail me) and say the pledge properly ok. Think teachers do it better than the students. Anyway...

So am watching Sing Idol results show now...hmm why am i always bloggin about SI??? Could it be the most thought-provoking thing that's on TV nowadays?! Hmm ya Judge Number 3 is real intriguing...Her comments always leave ppl gaping...And Kit Chan has jus finished her usual wonderful rendition of THE SINGAPORE SONG - Home...and the part that really got me was how the entire audience just spontaneously sang along with her...really cool. =) A song that unites all...

Hmm alrite alrite the real reason for my frenetic typing here is that I got a lot of things on my mind...Can't seem to plan properly and am having these gazillion neurons firing away but to no avail. I'm just thinking and thinking and not doing enough. Going on course can be a real chore sometimes. As in, thinking of stuff for the kiddies to do while I'm away...Ugh...

Got my new electronic piano!...hee...But haf got no piano skills to speak off...the learning curve is steep...

What the...jonathan is in the bottom four again?! This show is ridiculous...


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